Books with Paternoster Attestations


Theodore Bibliander – De ratione communi omnium linguarum et litterarum commentarius (1548): 14 texts

Conrad Gessner – Mithridates: De Differentiis Lingvarvm tvm vetervm tum quae hodie apud diuersas nationes in toto orbe terraru[m] in usu sunt (1555): 25 texts

Angelo Rocca – Bibliotheca Apostolica Vaticana a Sixto V. Pont. Max. in Splendidiorem, Commodioremq. Locum Translata (1591): 30 texts

Hieronimus Megiser – Specimen Quinquaginta Diversarum Atque Inter Se Differentium Linguarum, & Dialectorum; videlicet Oratio Dominica, Et Quaedam Alia Ex Sacris literis, totidem linguis expressa (1603): 49 texts

M. Claude Duret – Thresor de L'Histoire des Langves de Cest Vnivers (1613): 3 texts

Georg Pistorius Mauer – Pater Noster, Oder Das Allerheiligiste Gebett, Vater Unser (1621): 0 texts

Jean-Baptiste Gramaye – Specimen litterarum et linguarum universi orbis (1622): 2 texts

Jean-Baptiste Gramaye – Oratio Dominica dialectis centum gentium expressa (1622): 1 text

John Wilkins – An Essay Towards a Real Character And a Philosophical Language (1668): 48 texts

Andreas Müller – Oratio Orationum. SS. Orationis Dominicae Versiones praeter Authenticam fere Centum (1680): 81 texts

Oratio Dominica [polyglottos, polymorphos]. : Nimirum, plus centum linguis, versionibus, aut characteribus reddita & expressa (1713): 98 texts

John Chamberlayne, David Wilkins – Oratio Dominica in Diversas Omnium Fere Gentium Linguas Versa et Propris Cujusque Linguae Characteribus Expressa (1715): 148 texts

Lorenzo Hervás – Saggio pratico delle lingue (1787): 144 texts

Edmund Fry – Pantographia; containing accurate copies of all the known alphabets in the world; together with an English explanation of the peculiar Force and Power of each Letter, to which are added Specimens of all well-authenticated Oral Languages, forming a Comprehensive Digest of Phonology (1799): 142 texts

Johann Christoph Adelung, Johann Severin Vater – Mithridates, oder allgemeine Sprachenkunde. Erster Theil (1806): 27 texts

Johann Christoph Adelung, Johann Severin Vater – Mithridates, oder allgemeine Sprachenkunde. Zweyter Theil (1809): 78 texts

Johann Christoph Adelung, Johann Severin Vater – Mithridates, oder allgemeine Sprachenkunde. Dritter Theil (1812): 9 texts

Johann Christoph Adelung, Johann Severin Vater – Mithridates, oder allgemeine Sprachenkunde. Vierter Theil (1817): 9 texts

Bible Translations

Bath Old English Gospels (1000): 1 text

Joanes Leizarraga – Iesus Christ Gure Iaunaren Testamentu Berria (1571): 1 text

William Morgan – William Morgan's Bible (1588): 1 text

Danzig Bible (1632): 1 text

Justus Heurnius – De vier Heylighe Evangelien (1651): 1 text

John Eliot – Eliot Indian Bible (1663): 1 text

David Wilkins – Novum Testamentum Aegyptium vulgo Copticum (1716): 1 text

Other Books

Althochdeutscher Tatian (830): 1 text

Aelfric of Eynsham – The Homilies of the Anglo-Saxon Church, by Aelfric, Abbot of Eynsham (990): 1 text

Johannes Schiltberger – The bondage and travels of Johann Schiltberger, a Native of Bavaria, in Europa, Asia, and Africa (1480): 2 texts

Simon Grunau – Preussische Chronik, Vol. 1 (1529): 1 text

Guillaume Postel – Linguarum Duodecim Characteribus Differentium Alphabetum Introductio (1538): 6 texts

Sebastian Münster – Cosmographia. Beschreibung aller Lender durch Sebastianum Munsterum (1544): 2 texts

Bartolomej Georgijević – De Turcarum moribus epitome (1555): 2 texts

André Thevet – La Cosmographie Universelle d'Andre Thevet Cosmographe dv Roy. Illvstree de diverses figvres des choses plvs remarqvables veves par l'auteur, & incogneues de noz anciens & modernes. (Volume 1) (1575): 3 texts

André Thevet – La Cosmographie Universelle d'Andre Thevet Cosmographe dv Roy. Illvstree de diverses figvres des choses plvs remarqvables veves par l'auteur, & incogneues de noz anciens & modernes. (Volume 2) (1575): 9 texts

Adam Bohorič – Arcticae horulae succisivae de latinocarniolana literatura (1584): 8 texts

Bonaventura Vulcanius – De literis & lingua Getarum, sive Gothorum: Quibus accesserunt specimina variarum lingiarum (1597): 3 texts

William Camden – Remains of a Greater Work, Concerning Britaine (1605): 5 texts

Paulus Merula – Cosmographia generalis Libri tres (1605): 8 texts

Bernardo de Alderete – Del origen y principio de la lengua castellana o romance que hoy se uso en España (1606): 1 text

Luis Jerónimo – Rituale, seu Manuale Peruanum (1607): 1 text

G. Quiquer de Roscoff – Dictionnaire et Colloques François et Breton (1626): 1 text

Heinrich Stahl – Hand und Hauszbuches für die Pfarherren, und Hauszväter Ehstnischen Fürstenthums Erster Theil… (1632): 1 text

William Lisle – Divers ancient monuments in the Saxon tongue written seven hundred yeares agoe (1638): 1 text

Johannes Micraelius – Johannis Micraelii Erstes Buch Deß Alten Pommer-Landes (1639): 2 texts

Marcus Zuerius van Boxhorn – Prima Religionis Christianae Rudimenta (1650): 2 texts

Étienne de Flacourt – Histoire de la grande isle Madagascar (1658): 1 text

Georg Stiernhielm – Evangelia Ab Ulfila Gothorum in Moesia Episcopo (1671): 8 texts

Christoph Hartknoch – Alt- und Neues Preussen Oder Preussischer Historien Zwey Theile (1684): 2 texts

Johann Weikhard von Valvasor – Die Ehre dess Hertzogthums Crain, Zwenter Theil (1689): 13 texts

Simon de la Loubère – Du Royaume du Siam, Vol. 2 (1691): 1 text

John Campanius – Lutheri Catechismus öfwersatt på american-virginiske språket (1696): 1 text

James Wallace – Account of the Islands of Orkney (1700): 1 text

Johan-Arnold von Brand – Reysen durch die Marck Brandenburg, Preussen, Churland, Liefland, Pleßcovien, Groß-Naugarden, Tweerien und Moscovien (1702): 1 text

Thomas Gage – A survey of the Spanish-West-Indies. Being a journal of three thousand and three hundred miles on the continent of America (1702): 1 text

Philippus Baldaeus – A true and exact description of the most celebrated East-India coasts of Malabar and Coromandel; as also of the isle of Ceylon (1703): 1 text

Nicolaas Witsen – Noord en Oost Tartarye (1705): 11 texts

Adriaan Reland – Hadriani Relandi Dissertationum Miscellanearum Pars Tertia (1708): 2 texts

Fr. Bernardo de Nantes – Catecismo da lingua kariris (1709): 1 text

Theophilus Siegfried Bayer – Museum Sinicum (1730): 1 text

Benjamin Martin – Lingua Britannica Reformata (1749): 10 texts