Pater Noster in Lower Sorbian

Language: Lower Sorbian (Wikipedia)

Wosch nasch, kensch sy nanebebu.
Our Father, who art in heaven
Wussweschone1 bushy me twoye.2
hallowed be thy name
Pshish3 knam krajlestwo4 twooo.5
thy kingdom come
So6 stany7 woli twoja,8 takhack9 nanebu,10 tak heu nasemy.11
thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven
Klib nasch shidni12 day nam shensa.
Give us this day our daily bread
A woday13 nam wyni nashe, ack my wodawamy14 winikam15 naschim.
and forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us
Neweshi nass do spitowana.16
and lead us not into temptation
Ale17 wimoshi nass18 wot slego.
but deliver us from evil.
Psheto19 twojo jo to kralestvo a ta20 moz, a ta21 zest22 wot nymernoshi k'nymernosti.23
For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, for ever and ever.


1: London, Pantographia, Megiser, Wilkins: nanebebu, wss weschone; Valvasor: wusweschone
2: London, Pantographia, Megiser, Wilkins: twove
3: London, Pantographia: Pos hish; Megiser, Wilkins: Poshish
4: London, Pantographia, Megiser, Valvasor, Wilkins: krailestwo
5: London, Pantographia, Megiser, Wilkins: twojo; Valvasor: twoio
6: Valvasor: Se
7: Wilkins: Sostany
8: London, Pantographia: tuoja; Wilkins: twoia
9: London, Pantographia, Megiser, Wilkins: takhak
10: London, Pantographia: manebu
11: London, Pantographia, Megiser, Wilkins: nasemu
12: London, Pantographia, Megiser, Wilkins: schidni
13: Valvasor: wodoy; Wilkins: Awoday
14: Megiser, Wilkins: wodawamij
15: London, Pantographia: wodawamij wini kam
16: London, Pantographia, Megiser: dospitowana; Valvasor: dospitowanya; Wilkins: dospi towana
17: London, Pantographia, Megiser, Wilkins: A le
18: London, Pantographia, Megiser, Wilkins: nas
19: Valvasor, Wilkins: text until 'k'nymernosti.' omitted
20: London, Pantographia: ata
21: London, Pantographia: ata
22: Pantographia: text ends here
23: London, Megiser: nymernoshik nymer nosti

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