Pater Noster in Welsh

Language: Welsh (Wikipedia)

Ein tâd yr hwn ydwyt1 yn y nefoedd.
Our Father, who art in heaven
Sancteiddier2 dy enw.
hallowed be thy name
Deled3 dy deyrnas.
thy kingdom come
Bydded4 dy ewyllys ar yddaiar, megis5 yn y nefoedd.6
thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven
Dyro i ni heddyw ein bara beunyddiol.
Give us this day our daily bread
A maddeu di7 i ni ein dyledion, fel a maddeuom8 ninnau9 in dyled-wyr.10
and forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us
Ac nac11 arwain ni i brofedigaeth.12
and lead us not into temptation
Eithr gwaret13 ni rhag drwg.
but deliver us from evil.


1: Wilkins, Pantographia, London: wytl
2: Pantographia: Sanctedidier
3: Wilkins, Pantographia, London: Deued
4: Wilkins, Pantographia, London: Bid
5: Wilkins, Pantographia, London: y mae
6: Pantographia, London: nefoed
7: Wilkins: word omitted; Pantographia: Amad deu; London: Amaddeu
8: Wilkins: maddewn; Pantographia, London: maddeuwn
9: Wilkins, Pantographia, London: ni
10: Pantographia: dyledwgr; London: dyledwyr
11: London: nar
12: Pantographia, London: brofe digaeth
13: Wilkins, Pantographia, London: gwared

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