Pater Noster in Middle English

Language: Middle English (Wikipedia)

Fader that art in heavin riche,
Thin1 helge nam it wurth the blisse,
Cumen and mot thy kingdom,
Thin holy will it be all don,
In heaven and in erdh also.
So it shall bin full well Ic tro.
Gif us all bread on this day,
And forgif us ure sinnes.
As we do ure wider winnes:
Let2 us not in fonding fall,
Oac fro evil thu syld us all. Amen.3


1: Chamberlayne: blisse, Thin
2: Chamberlayne: widerwinnes: Let
3: Chamberlayne: Amen.

Attested In


This version comes from MS Arundel 292 fol. 3, dated to the 13th century, currently in the British Library. The text from the MS is published in Reliquiae Antiquae, p. 235.