Pater Noster in Old High German

Language: Old High German (Wikipedia)

Fater unser thu thar bist in himile.
Our Father, who art in heaven
Si giheilagot1 thin namo.
hallowed be thy name
Queme thín rihhi.
thy kingdom come
Si thín uuillo, só hér2 in himile3 ist, só4 si hér in erdu.5
thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven
Unsar brót tagalihhaz gíb uns hiutu.6
Give us this day our daily bread
Inti furlaz uns unsara sculdi, só uúir fúrlazemes unsaren sculdigon.7
and forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us
Inti ni gileitest unsih in costunga.
and lead us not into temptation
Uzouh árlosi8 unsih fón ubile.9
but deliver us from evil.


1: Chamberlayne, Adelung Part 2: geheilagot
2: Chamberlayne, Adelung Part 2: thin Willo so her
3: Adelung Part 2: Himilo
4: Chamberlayne: o
5: Chamberlayne: her iu Erdu
6: Chamberlayne: huitu
7: Chamberlayne: nusara Sculdi, so wir furlazemes unsaron Sculdigon; Adelung Part 2: unsera Sculdi, so wir furlazemes unsaron Sculdigon
8: Adelung Part 2: Costunga; Uz ouch arlosi
9: Chamberlayne: Costunga; Uzouch arlosi unsi fon Ubile

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