Pater Noster in Southern Sámi

Language: Southern Sámi (Wikipedia)

ACkia mijen iucht1 lie almen sis.2
Our Father, who art in heaven
ailes hiedde tdu Namme.3
hallowed be thy name
Quöik pote tdu Rijkie.4
thy kingdom come
Hiedde tdu sijte,5 nimpt almis kocht6 ai ädnamis.
thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven
Addele mijs7 vdnaig8 mijen9 ferne päive laip.
Give us this day our daily bread
Ja addele mijs10 syndin11 andix nimpt kocht12 mij addel sijs iucht mijs vöst.
and forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us
tacke13 Äle mij14 laidhe tock15 freste.
and lead us not into temptation
Wal va ri le mi vaddost.16
but deliver us from evil.


1: Adelung Part 2: Aekia men, jueht
2: Adelung Part 2: Almensis
3: Adelung Part 2: Name
4: Adelung Part 2: Riikie
5: Adelung Part 2: telu Sijte
6: Adelung Part 2: Almis, koekt
7: Adelung Part 2: miis
8: Adelung Part 2: udnaig
9: Adelung Part 2: miien
10: Adelung Part 2: miis
11: Adelung Part 2: Synden
12: Adelung Part 2: koekt
13: Adelung Part 2: jueht miis vöst taeke
14: Adelung Part 2: mii
15: Adelung Part 2: toeke
16: Adelung Part 2: Walle varile mii Uaddost

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